My Mojo Is Back!

I am currently sat in my bed, incense lit, light streaming through the windows, and I am engulfed in a sudden state of peace and bliss. I have been ill for a few days and am awaiting the results of my COVID 19 test. Sat here, coffee in hand, reading the Quran with my cat by my side, I am awestruck by the level of gratitude that has awakened in my heart. I have come to realise that I need not fear ANYTHING because everything is up to God and happens in my life for a reason. My home, any possessions I have, and finances, are borrowed to me for this lifetime only, to fulfil my life purpose. They may come and go as I need or no longer need them. 

I have challenged myself to read the big books of all of the world religions in my lifetime. If there is one thing, I have learned during the last few years of the world landscape, it’s that ignorance breeds fear, fear breeds defensiveness’ and hate, hate breeds cruelty and violence, and that is what we have been seeing in the news for the last few years.

I feel truly blessed to have my sight and the ability to read and write. I feel truly blessed to live in a lifetime in which I have access to technology and books, and the means to communicate with millions of people at the touch of a button and to have free speech. I am blessed that I was born white in this lifetime, and I haven’t had to deal with discrimination and cruelty because of the colour of my skin, like my beloved brothers and sisters of the world have. My whiteness has given me privilege and power (unfortunately, it should never have been this way) and this has given me the responsibility to use these blessings to speak up, educate and be an ally for my black brothers and sisters in humanity. Also, to speak up and out against cruelty and the bullying of any living thing in whatever circumstance.

I had been feeling hopeless and furious for many weeks, but my sickness gave me space to reflect and to pray. My strength and courage have returned to me, although I still feel some existential dread and anxiety with the way humanity is going and with COVID 19. I feel I can’t plan too far into the future because it may be a different world by next month let alone a few years. But there is courage in the knowledge that all we have ever really had, all that was ever real, is the current moment, this second, now. Therein lies the power. 

What can I use this moment for? What thought can I switch to? Will I choose prayer or vitriol? What is one thing that I can do differently to reverse my mindset? How can I make a difference at this moment?

Who will fight with me? Who will engage and support the incredibly spiritual act of fighting and campaigning for social justice and love?

There is indeed plenty for all if we eradicate greed from the planet. If we act with love, and take only what we need, and share the surplus.

In love, strength, and power,

Lucy Loizou.

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Christine’s Healthy World

Your Assistance, Please!

0*AbwXyeoH4EFWez2VI’ve spent the last four days in a writing frenzy. I can’t really think about anything else at the moment. A few weeks ago I had an idea for a book I was going to write but I didn’t know where I was going with it. I kind of stopped writing for a while. I would clean or do anything rather than write. Then I was texting a friend that I hadn’t spoken to in a while on a completely unrelated matter and out of the blue, she asked if I was writing a book! I told her that I started to write one and then stopped and she gave me a message that she channeled that I should continue to write and for inspiration, I should spend time outdoors with no shoes or socks on to ground myself in mother nature. So I did just that! I sat outside in my garden to write what I had started and to meditate, and go for walks in the woods – I love my walks in the woods with the bluebells and my favorite meditation tree. It’s literally a tree whose trunk has naturally grown into a chair shape with the boughs surrounding me on all sides. Now for weeks, I had been praying that I would get a sign if I was on the right path, and a really obvious nudge if there was some service work or life purpose that I was supposed to do but that I was avoiding. Do you ever just get that niggling feeling that you are supposed to be doing something? Well – I soon got my answer, didn’t I? Once I knew I was supposed to be writing a book I added to my prayer which is usually:

“How may I serve?” and “Thank you for this, thank you for that” with a good dose of affirmation type prayers too.

I changed it to:

“What do people need to read? What shall I write that will help the most people?”

Slowly but surely the book idea took form. I could literally feel manifesting in my mind out of thin air.

I am actually trying to say two things today:

1 – The power of prayer is very real. My entire life has been an experiment in the power of prayer. My prayers have changed form over the years and I’ve noticed my prayers becoming more powerful and as I got to know myself more authentically and got wise to the fact that you need to leave space for the Creator to work in his own way.

“This Lord, or something better that I couldn’t even have dreamed of.”

A Course In Miracles states that there is no order in the difficulty of miracles. Jesus said that if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, move, and it will obey. If we are part of the Divine, and individual spark of the Divine, then we can perform miracles too. We just need to remember who we are and align with that power. To become one with it.

2 – I need your help! I’m working on a book about human experiences during the Coronavirus pandemic. I would love to hear your stories, please. In particular, I am interested in:
-Your experiences on the run-up to the start of lockdown. What were you doing – what were your thoughts and emotions.
-What Random Acts of Kindness did you experience during this trying time?
-I would love to read about the experiences of our frontline workers and what practises they developed in order to stay mentally healthy and get through this time or what would have helped you on a personal level.
-Responses from the universe as a result of meditation and/or prayer.
– What realizations have you had through this experience? How has it changed your perspective on life and your world view? Has it changed?
If you have a story you would like to share feel free to go to my CONTACT ME page and email your stories to me by June 30th and let me know also if you would like it to be named. I would also need written consent to publish it.

Wishing you love, light, and many blessings, 

Stay safe,

Lucy L

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Eternal Happiness

“For to weigh thy happiness according to that which may befall thee is to live as a slave. And to live according to the Angels which speak within thee, is to be free”

(Szekely, p80)

This is Jesus, speaking about happiness as an inside job, according to the dead sea scrolls. From the Gospel of the Essenes. I have been writing a lot about happiness recently, and personal power is a favourite topic of mine also.

In this passage I feel like Jesus is really speaking of personal power. It is straight after the passage about serving two masters.

Religion and spirituality are indeed two separate things. Religion suggests adherence to certain laws and dogmas whereas spirituality suggests a search for the truth and the meaning of life. Many times both words are used interchangeably. I come from a religious background but I steered away from it some time ago for personal reasons, but I have come to realise that some things are true no matter how you look at them, but they are expressed in different ways from different histories and congregations.

Money, possessions, the quest for self-improvement and self  – actualization, these are not in themselves bad things that take one away from God or the Kingdom of Heaven. I don’t think that this is what the teachings mean. It is the attachment to these things above all else that is the problem. Selling yourself out for the sake of these things is the problem.

We all develop a set of values over time. Some were given to us as children or through experiences growing up – some belong to other people and we eventually let them go when we realise that they don’t resonate with us after some time. Some we keep because after all is said and done, they still add value and meaning to our lives.

There is also intuition – the quiet voice within that speaks from our highest self, from spirit, or even the Angels as Jesus mentions above.

When we are willing to go against all of these voices for the sake of the things we think we want, that is when we are divided against ourselves. This is when we lose our sense of self, our sense of peace and oneness and we become slaves. We are no longer able to ask questions about the rightness of the people we work for, about the justness and integrity of the status quo. We follow blindly, and land the blame on our circumstances.

I believe that it is right and just to look upon all that we achieved on this Earth, everything we have earned, our homes, sacred memories, our favourite clothes and the food we eat, our friends and family, and the ability to speak our minds freely without persecution, with gratitude.

What scripture and the ancient writings warn against is becoming dependant on these things for our happiness and sense of self-worth. It in the nature of the universe for things to come and go, to ebb and flow.

And then there is Karma and the lessons we agreed to learn before we born into this world.There are also the reactions and the choices we make that effect our quality of life. The lesson is to have gratitude without attachment.

If you get a bowl of water right now – or go to the tap. Try and clench the water with your hands – what happens? The water flows away. However, if your open your hands up into a cup, you are ready to receive that which the universe wishes to give you. That which is for your highest good.

Let go. Trust.

Sit in gratitude for all that you have and more will come to you. The best things. That which is for your highest good. If something refuses to come, perhaps it is not for you. Let it go and do something else. It may not be the right time. Follow the still, quiet inner voice. That is where the Divine speaks to you.

The power of your ultimate happiness lies not in external things. It is in your perspective. When you are in touch with your inner world, no matter happens, the world can do to you whatever it wants, you will always know yourself. You will begin again and be stronger. Nothing can take your inner world away from you. That is your strength. That is your power.

“Ye cannot serve God and also serve the world. Perchance thy well goeth dry, precious oil is spilled, thy house burneth, thy crops wither: but thou dost treat what may befall thee with wisdom and love. Rains again shall fill the well, houses again can be built, new seeds can be sown: all these things shall pass away. But the Kingdom of Heaven is eternal, and shall not pass away. Do ye not, then, barter that which is eternal, for that which dieth in an hour.” ( Szekely, p81).

Wishing you peace, love and blessings,

Lucy Loizou.

E.B Szekely (1987): “The Gospel Of The Essenes”; 5th impression; C.W. Daniel CO, Ltd, Essex, England.

A Shout Out To All The Messengers

We all have them, those people that come into our lives and change it forever. The ones that stay and somehow, you can’t remember how and when you met them. When they became a permanent member of your tribe. Somehow it feels like you’ve just always had them around. They teach you and learn from you constantly. You have fun and share common ideas and interests and love you when you can’t love yourself – unconditionally.
It is often much easier to recognise the messages and the blessings these people give you and be grateful for them every day.

How about the people though, that come into your life and then disappear somehow? The complete strangers – sometimes their messages can be more difficult to recognise because they seem out of context and you don’t recognise the message until later. The tipsy ladies you chat to in the toilets on your night out, advising you to enjoy yourself but to take things slow with the man you’re dating. The lady dancing next to you that reminds you and. your date that you have natural beauty and that he/she’s lucky to be with you. The customer that you serve that innocently says just the right thing you needed to hear. These things can easily be taken for granted – not recognised as Divine guidance but rather as coincidence. It takes someone open to hearing their guidance in any possible way – open to surprises and listening to their intuition to guide them along their path. When you ask for guidance – be open to hearing it in any way possible – you can even ask for the guidance to be given in a way that is unique to you – in a way that is unmistakeable.

So, what about those people that come into your life that you invest in and feel hurt when you find out that they can’t/won’t stay? What about them? We often feel sad when they leave our sides and can feel disappointed, angry, rejected. As always, my advice is always to allow yourself those feelings. Your feelings are neither right nor wrong – they just are. Allow yourself to grieve the relationship in whatever form it was. Be kind to yourself – and then in true alchemist fashion – mine the experience for gold. For the lessons that the situation gave you. Sometimes the situation gave you the lesson and you will have learnt about yourself and the way you interact with others. Sometimes people come into our lives to teach us something practical – such as a skill, or to deliver a message in a way that we are able to hear it. Such as the boyfriend that guides you and encourages you to apply for that life changing job, or the date that reminds you how to eat healthily and to take your fitness seriously as they are experts in that field. The friend that stays with you until a particular life situation is resolved and then somehow dissipates and you both go your separate ways.

Yes, it easy to feel resentful and bitter and blame these people, wondering why you wasted your time and energy. Even the most “spiritual” people out there go through these feelings – it’s called being human. But if, once you’ve given yourself some time out, some time to grieve and process the experience, you might change your perspective. You might start to see them as angels in disguise, or people that God has used to put you back on the right path.

You might start, in time, to feel grateful for each and every person you meet and come across.

I certainly am. This missive is dedicated and in gratitude to all of the messengers of the world.

Thank you. I offer you blessings and every happiness, and hope for you to easily hear your messages also.

Lucy Loizou.